Life, Death, and Completion: Cultivating Alignment through the Earth Element (Ep. 6 of 6)
In this episode
This is the sixth and final episode in this series where I am exploring how to cultivate alignment through each of the five elements.
In the completion of this elemental series, I share:
- Various ways the earth element expresses through our root (sacral) chakra and how to balance them
- How I was given a special dream which I share in story form as I explore the very earthly themes of completion, death, transformation, and the ultimate elemental embodiment of the earth itself
- How we can all tap into the wisdom of the Mother, Maiden and Crone to transmute fear into courage (regardless of our gender or orientation)
- How contemplating our death can help us feel more alive and engaged in our life
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Learn more about your chakras and elements in my book: the Soul-Care Workbook available on
- Learn more about our upcoming classes at:
- Check out my art and learn about in-person and online healing sessions at
- Click here buy me a cup of coffee or show your support for this podcast. So much energy goes into the creation of this free content and I'm a one-woman show over here. I really appreciate your appreciation!
Thank you for listening, sharing, reviewing and sending me your dreams!
I love to read them.
About this Podcast
Welcome dreamers, seekers, empaths, and healers! My name is Amanda Lux of the Elevation Hive school and community membership for energy medicine and dreamwork. In this podcast, I share teachings, musings, poems, songs, and interviews with other amazing humans who walk the healer's path.
Music used in this episode:
Alone/All One theme song written and performed by Amanda Lux
All Other Music from #Uppbeat:
amanda:I am home.
amanda:In the dark sweet cracks where the insects crawl all over me.
amanda:I am home in Dusty Dawns where the wind remembers me.
amanda:I am home as I plunge my hands into the clay of your body.
amanda:As I dance upon your belly.
amanda:I am home under your stars.
amanda:I gaze lovingly adoringly into your sky eyes.
amanda:I am home in the stillness of stones who witness silently.
amanda:I bow down reverently.
amanda:So you will consume what remains of me.
amanda:I come from your molten womb.
amanda:I return to your roots, my tomb.
amanda:May I be reborn through you infinitely.
amanda:Welcome to a Lone Traveler's Guide to the Divine.
amanda:My name is Amanda Lux and I'm the creator of the Elevation Hive School and Community
amanda:for Energy Medicine and Dreamwork.
amanda:In the last five episodes, I've been sharing various ways to cultivate
amanda:energetic alignment through each of the five elements, and this is the
amanda:last of the series where we will be talking about the earth element.
amanda:the earth element is all about organization, the densification of energy.
amanda:It's the final landing place on the Involutionary journey.
amanda:The earth element rules the root chakra and energetically speaking, earth is
amanda:the slowest vibrational frequency of all of the elements of all of the chakras.
amanda:This means it's the most tangible, physical, and dense.
amanda:And it's also the place where things that take physical form find their completion
amanda:as they begin to disintegrate The way that the earth is made of compost, the cycle of
amanda:life doesn't necessarily end with death.
amanda:It includes it as much as any other phase that all things must pass through.
amanda:And in this episode as we explore how to cultivate alignment through
amanda:the earth, death is a major theme.
amanda:I will be sharing a little bit about how the Earth element shows up in our
amanda:body and our life, and how working with Earth Energy can offer us
amanda:greater access to our own potency.
amanda:More courage, more abundance, equanimity.
amanda:but I'm not gonna be sharing this information in the way that you might
amanda:think . I'm actually gonna be sharing it in a way that it was given to me,
amanda:which was in the form of a dream or actually a nightmare that I had last week.
amanda:. And, uh, it's quite a personal story.
amanda:. I've been studying the elements
amanda:life now for over 20 years.
amanda:I've been working with them professionally as a polarity practitioner, and I could
amanda:share a lot of different ways to work.
amanda:With the earth element through food, exercise, color, sound
amanda:movement, body work and all of that.
amanda:But I do actually have a whole book written about the elements and there
amanda:are other resources that I will provide in the show notes for you to check out.
amanda:But because of the dream that I had this last week, I realized that
amanda:there's something different about the earth that I really wanted to
amanda:share and focus on in this episode.
amanda:Because this dream was not only profoundly important for me in my own learning
amanda:and felt sense, experiential, direct knowing of the earth, it was also a dream
amanda:that felt relevant for the collective.
amanda:It came to me through the form of a story that had some very
amanda:universal qualities to it.
amanda:It contained the Triple Goddess archetypal energies of the Mother Maiden and crone.
amanda:Uh, it contained some other symbolic elements, and specifically with
amanda:the theme of death, it's something that is universal that we can
amanda:all relate to because everything that lives eventually dies.
amanda:Everything we have ever known including ourselves, we are all going to pass
amanda:through that particular gateway and.
amanda:It's something that I've contemplated, but never quite in this way.
amanda:So to me it was a quite a profound revelation and I wanted to share it
amanda:, the story of the dream came through in two different ways.
amanda:The first being a night dream that I had incubated.
amanda:Actually, I had planted a dream seed for inspiration and reached out to
amanda:my dream guides and allies for an inspiration specifically around art.
amanda:My next painting Because it was such a terrifying, fearful feeling
amanda:that I had when I first woke up, I decided to reenter the dream.
amanda:So the second half of what I'll be sharing was actually the conscious
amanda:dream reentry the journey I went on in order to gather the information
amanda:and to integrate my understanding about what the dream actually meant.
amanda:Earth is a lot about abundance, and this dream was definitely one of the most
amanda:abundant dreams I've ever received in that it not only did give me the details
amanda:for my next painting, but it informed me about the entire series of paintings that
amanda:I've been working on for probably a decade now, relating to my Oracle deck and this.
amanda:Painting that I was given in this particular dream was shown to me
amanda:as the final card it also had to do with completion of that whole
amanda:journey with those, paintings, a series of 44, uh, paintings and cards
amanda:. and in addition to receiving the
amanda:the deck itself, I also received this podcast episode and also a, a really
amanda:deep transmission around experiencing the earth element in a profound way.
amanda:It was a felt experience accompanied by a series of realizations that
amanda:felt sort of fundamentally altering.
amanda:But I'm gonna do my best to share it with you as I experienced
amanda:it, and I want to invite you.
amanda:As we do in Dreamwork practice to try this dream on for yourself as you listen.
amanda:Sharing a dream is always a vulnerable thing and . As
amanda:personal as our dreams are.
amanda:There's always a universal element.
amanda:There's always something that is reflected back , for the listener.
amanda:You can do this by tuning into your body.
amanda:By noticing your thoughts, memories, emotions, anything that might come
amanda:up internally or externally in your environment, and just by paying
amanda:attention to what you feel or sense or notice as you listen, inviting,
amanda:synchronicity, and your own highest wisdom into the listening space.
amanda:. So I invite you to tune in to whatever is meant for you to hear as we journey
amanda:together into the dream and into this, experience of the earth element.
amanda:Long ago there was a book that was written by a Wise elder.
amanda:Her stories were profoundly transformative for all who read them, and for generations
amanda:that had remained relevant and supportive.
amanda:My own children.
amanda:Barely entering adulthood now had come to it of their own volition,
amanda:and I recognized the book from when I was younger and knew that my own
amanda:mother had read it long ago as well.
amanda:I recalled that there was a part of this book somewhere towards
amanda:the end, where the author told of how she had murdered a woman.
amanda:I was summing through the book trying to find it when the author herself
amanda:called out that the part I was looking for was on the very last page, and if
amanda:I wanted, she would read it out loud.
amanda:I was terrified of this and of her, and couldn't believe that she had
amanda:gotten away with such a thing, but she was bold and seemed unafraid of what
amanda:she had done or of recounting the.
amanda:in the moment.
amanda:My own fear began to escalate of what might happen if she
amanda:read this part out loud.
amanda:I believe that in that moment I entered the story in this new dream.
amanda:I am now the observer, and I see that the wise elder is being helped by a
amanda:younger man to kidnap a young woman and keep her in the basement of a.
amanda:The young woman is wrapped in white fabric like a cocoon and tortured in the
amanda:dark, cold with no escape until one day.
amanda:The elder woman, the man who helps her and the young woman are all riding in a van
amanda:with another set of three who are doing the exact same thing in a different house.
amanda:They are all sitting in the van judging one another for being so cruel.
amanda:When suddenly I become the young woman and I speak out in the wise elder's defense, I
amanda:am here because I am choosing to do this.
amanda:I am choosing to be here.
amanda:I said, As we return to the house, it suddenly occurs to me that since
amanda:I am choosing to be here, then maybe I don't have to do whatever I'm here
amanda:to do in the dark, cold basement.
amanda:After all, I ask them if I can stay in the kitchen or the attic, but they
amanda:both say, and as they begin to usher me down the stairs for more torture,
amanda:I grow so terrified that I wake up moving from one dream state to another.
amanda:I slip easily back into the dream using conscious dream reentry.
amanda:I'm afraid to go back, of course, because I woke up with so much fear.
amanda:but I call on a guide to support me and an angel appears.
amanda:I wasn't expecting an angel, but that's who came.
amanda:And I feel safe enough with this being who is nothing more than
amanda:a subtle light body with wings.
amanda:The angel reaches out a hand and guides me down towards the basement, but to
amanda:my surprise, we fly far past plummet.
amanda:Into the earth Below,
amanda:I am falling, diving, drilling into the depths of the earth body list, yet
amanda:shimmering with a form that I know of as.
amanda:, we journey down deep below the house and I wonder if I'm being led
amanda:somewhere far below into the past, below what is me into something of
amanda:my ancestors or what came before.
amanda:but the Angel Wordlessly conveys that I'm here on my own behalf and
amanda:there is actually nowhere to go.
amanda:. We continue to travel deeper into the darkness, and as we descend, my mind
amanda:begins to crave light and warmth again.
amanda:Just like the young woman in the dream who wanted to do whatever she was there
amanda:to do, somewhere in the kitchen or the attic where it was warmer and brighter.
amanda:I think if we keep going down, eventually we'll hit the core of the planet and maybe
amanda:it will be brighter and warmer there.
amanda:, but the angel says, no, no.
amanda:And so I think, well, if we can't stop there, then eventually maybe we
amanda:will dive so deep that we will exit out the other side of the planet and
amanda:be out in space somewhere where the sun or stars will shine some light.
amanda:But then it hits me that I'm trying to escape something that has no end to.
amanda:That I'm here to experience the earth elementally and
amanda:that there is no destination.
amanda:I'm meant to be here in the dark where I have to let go of getting
amanda:somewhere or doing something.
amanda:I have to let go of everything.
amanda:in the underground where the soil is dense, where compost turns to
amanda:sediment turns slowly into stone as it densifies and hardens.
amanda:There's only compression and contraction here it is all airlessness and still.
amanda:as I sink into this felt experience of the earth, I begin to feel heavy
amanda:until I notice that what I thought of as me begins to disappear.
amanda:My form is disintegrating, starting with my feet, slowly moving up my legs.
amanda:I feel like a crumbling leaf who fell off a tree, who is now buried beneath layers
amanda:of other old leaves turning into soil.
amanda:Slowly, my pieces are falling apart slowly.
amanda:I am returning becoming the earth itself.
amanda:. I wonder if eventually I will become nourishment for the roots of the tree
amanda:if I will become soil and offer nutrients for life as I eventually
amanda:become part of that tree again, but I'm not that tree yet.
amanda:I'm not even roots or potential nourishment.
amanda:I'm just disintegrating, plummet.
amanda:yet still, there's no future, no past here, there's only, now there's only
amanda:darkness and what I used to be, my calves and feet and bones and muscles
amanda:are all now particles, but not of light.
amanda:With no more life in them.
amanda:Empty, thick.
amanda:I am the stuff worms.
amanda:I am refuse and feces.
amanda:I'm here to let go of anything that used to be me, to cease, to
amanda:exist, to become the stillness.
amanda:This is the grand finale, my completion, and as much as I want
amanda:to tap into the vast potential of everything I ever was or will be.
amanda:, I cannot,
amanda:I have to be an acceptance of this very real important part in the cycle of
amanda:life that is death in order to know the Earth directly, I have to know
amanda:this place where there is truly no me.
amanda:I have to let go of my old form of everything I ever was.
amanda:I have to let go of getting somewhere of being something, of doing anything.
amanda:I have to let go of light and life and the impetus to exist.
amanda:My time has ended.
amanda:This is the ultimate negative pole experience, such tremendous loss.
amanda:Yet simultaneously I begin to feel this slow neutrality settling in
amanda:until then, it happens this subtle wave of ecstasy unfurls within.
amanda:Direct experiential knowing of the earth.
amanda:I let go of attachment and witness myself as the energetic frequency of
amanda:this densest, elemental aspect, and I realize that I've not come here
amanda:to know rebirth or ancestral wisdom.
amanda:But the earth as an embodiment of death itself, the heaviest last moment just
amanda:before the new thing is made, no wonder it was an angel who showed up to guide
amanda:me here, . as clarity begins to tumble through my being, I understand what every
amanda:aspect of this dream means all at once.
amanda:This is the last line on the last page of the book.
amanda:The old wise woman wrote the end.
amanda:. There are several interesting layers
amanda:story of how to be in alignment with the energy of the Earth.
amanda:The earth is about endings and beginnings.
amanda:It's birth and death.
amanda:It's the place of the first chakra or root below the coccyx or perineal floor.
amanda:It's the first gateway we pass through as we exit the womb.
amanda:, if the house and the dream is symbolically representing,
amanda:The body or the energy body.
amanda:Then elementally.
amanda:The ether element would be in the attic.
amanda:The fire element would be in the kitchen on the main floor, and the
amanda:earth would be below the basement.
amanda:as I consider the different characters of the dream.
amanda:I recognize the Triple Goddess archetype and at different times I understand
amanda:what it was to be all three and that they exist simultaneously within us all.
amanda:I was the mother in the beginning of the dream, observing
amanda:children now nearly grown.
amanda:Coming upon this book that was written by the crone
amanda:the crone is the one who knows how to let go.
amanda:, she is the wise elder who has passed through all the phases of life.
amanda:And in her story, she had learned how to harvest the power of her youth by
amanda:walking it to its death in a conscious state, yet keeping it alive inside of
amanda:her until the appropriate time to let go.
amanda:I received so many layers of insight from this around the collective fear that we
amanda:have culturally of aging around losing our youth, our memory, our capacity.
amanda:But the Wise crone had conquered her fear and wrote all about it.
amanda:The last page of the book where she finally murdered the Maiden
amanda:was not about murder at all.
amanda:It was about how to approach death in a conscious awake state.
amanda:How to face it with courage and clarity, how to be fully integrated with both
amanda:the masculine and feminine aspects that are within us all, which was
amanda:represented by the man who helped her.
amanda:It was about letting go of youth without losing touch of it while
amanda:being informed and connected to it.
amanda:The maiden in the basement was wrapped in a white sheet, . Like a
amanda:cocoon, which symbolically represented the transformational process
amanda:that a caterpillar goes through before turning into a butterfly.
amanda:And if you think about it, that process is not very pretty.
amanda:The torture of disintegration is unavoidable.
amanda:, aging, dying, decomposing, moving from one form into another cannot be easy, and
amanda:there was no way to avoid this process as much as the maiden would've preferred to.
amanda:So the earth element is both the place of birth and death.
amanda:It is the gateway we enter through when we are born, and it is the one
amanda:that we exit when we die symbolically and literally as we are returned
amanda:to the earth, to decompose, to become nourishment for new life.
amanda:However, we do
amanda:Aligning with the earth is to experience total
amanda:acceptance of the negative pole.
amanda:In polarity, the earth governs the emotions of fear and courage, and
amanda:this was another theme of the dream.
amanda:Often, it is the most terrifying dreams that offer us the most transformational
amanda:potency, and this dream was no exception.
amanda:Usually when I think about aligning with the earth elementally, I talk about
amanda:grounding practices, digging in the dirt, hugging a tree, sitting still,
amanda:or laying on the earth, practicing Shavasana, the corpse pose in yoga.
amanda:I happened to be in a hot yoga class a couple of weeks ago, which if you've
amanda:never done hot yoga, it's kind of like a form of torture in and of itself.
amanda:, it takes place in a room that is pretty much like a sauna . And you're just
amanda:there to sweat profusely and in the middle of the practice after a grueling
amanda:standing series, but before the floor postures, there is a moment when you
amanda:get to lay down and take Shavasana right in the middle of the practice.
amanda:And the teacher that was leading this class at the time, she said
amanda:in that moment, something that was so profound to me, she said.
amanda:taking this Shavasana is an opportunity for us to practice meeting death
amanda:, and that when the next posture started up again, we would then
amanda:have the opportunity to willingly pick up our earthly burdens again.
amanda:This struck me so profound in the moment.
amanda:How often do we contemplate death throughout our day.
amanda:other than to have a chance encounter in the form of a fearful thought.
amanda:But what if we were to practice meeting it to actually lay down on
amanda:the ground in corpse pose and act as if this was it, and then to willingly
amanda:get up again and face our life.
amanda:What would we do different if we could live with that kind of courage?
amanda:What would we be able to accomplish?
amanda:Death and dreams doesn't usually mean the end of your life is near death.
amanda:Could be the end of anything.
amanda:. The completion of a project, the
amanda:end of my Oracle card deck, in the form of this final painting,
amanda:The end of this breath.
amanda:Of this day.
amanda:Or of this moment
amanda:As Einstein said, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only
amanda:transformed from one thing to another.
amanda:And throughout this series, we've been exploring all the various elemental
amanda:forms that our energy takes as it involutes from spirit into matter,
amanda:from the ether of our soul's potential to the inspiration of our airy idea.
amanda:To the fire of our embodiment and the water of our creative
amanda:expression, and to the earth, which is the final landing place,
amanda:the culmination, but also the extinction.
amanda:Of physical manifestation before it returns to formlessness.
amanda:it's not easy to face the earth or any kind of ending with
amanda:courage in the face of fear.
amanda:It's much easier to associate the earth element with birth
amanda:and life and completion.
amanda:I mean, who wants to think about death and disintegration, especially
amanda:as a way to align your energy?
amanda:How do we align our energy with that?
amanda:, and I definitely had to contemplate this because I've had a lifelong resistance
amanda:to the earth to being physically dense.
amanda:, maybe it was the youthful, hopeful maiden part of me that is perpetually
amanda:seeking the light and the fire and the next creative thing that has such a hard
amanda:time with this, but having embraced the earth through this experience, having
amanda:faced it the way I did, becoming the negative poor, who is quite profound.
amanda:It made me feel incredibly.
amanda:and awake to go towards death that way.
amanda:To allow myself to really be with the reality of this finite body and life,
amanda:knowing that I have this wise crone, as we all do within who knows how
amanda:to face death consciously, was quite grounding and inspiring actually.
amanda:To face the scariest things that we can't escape is truly empowering.
amanda:And I just wanna honor you for sticking through this episode for whatever
amanda:pieces of this resonates with you,
amanda:in closure and completion.
amanda:I'm going to end this the same way I began it with a poem that I wrote and
amanda:you can find this poem in my book, the Soul Care Workbook, a 33 Day Journey
amanda:through Your Chakras and Elements.
amanda:If you want to learn more about the five elements and how to balance your
amanda:energy using polarity therapy principles and exercises with personal stories, a
amanda:lot of them relating to dreams, you can check out the link in the show notes
amanda:and you can get that book on Amazon.
amanda:In the book, there is a chapter for each element that begins with a
amanda:poem, and this just happened to be the poem that I wrote for the earth.
amanda:I am home.
amanda:In the dark sweet cracks where the insects crawl all over me.
amanda:I am home in Dusty Dawns where the wind remembers me.
amanda:I am home as I plunge my hands into the clay of your body.
amanda:As I dance upon your belly.
amanda:I am home under your stars.
amanda:I gaze lovingly adoringly into your sky eyes.
amanda:I am home in the stillness of stones who witness silently.
amanda:I bow down reverently.
amanda:So you will consume what remains of me.
amanda:I come from your molten womb.
amanda:I return to your roots, my tomb.
amanda:May I be reborn through you infinitely.
amanda:Thank you so much for listening to this episode of alone,
amanda:Traveler's guide to the divine.
amanda:I appreciate you taking the time to.
amanda:Listen to all of the episodes in this series.
amanda:I believe that when we are familiar with, and in relationship with
amanda:our elements and our energy,
amanda:We're able to live a much more integrated.
amanda:And authentic life.
amanda:When we have an awareness of how our energy is moving.
amanda:I also want to invite you to check out my website at
amanda:For all of our current classes for the current astrology of this moon cycle for
amanda:all of our upcoming and ongoing offerings around dreamwork polarity therapy.
amanda:Be sure to check the show notes for a link to my book on
amanda:And as always, I just deeply appreciate you for listening and
amanda:contributing with your energy.
amanda:It is such an honor to be in sacred community with you.